平常你在吃的豬肉,是健康的嗎? 2019-06-28
年的老江湖,1997 年口蹄疫他碰過,
只是,2008 ...
1 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
在您寂寞孤獨的時候讓您有愉悅的感覺 2019-03-07
哈嘍我是小亞為什麼在這邊發呢 第一真誠希望可以找到聊得來的好朋友
好知己 還有一個就是 我有幾個好姐妹
身材外形都很不錯 因私人原因缺錢出來兼職
希望小亞可以幫忙找有需求的大哥 無論你是有需求還是要交友
都可以來找小亞喲 我的line是 3566h 歡迎你喲
0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數,
0 票
男人必看必學~ 2018-01-19
1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數,
6 票
,3.37 分數 |
健康飲食 2018-01-15
飲食指南作依據,均衡飲食六類足 飲食應依照「每日飲食指南」之建議份量,均衡攝取六大類食物,尤其要吃足夠的蔬菜、水果、全榖、豆類、堅果種子及低脂乳製品。
維持健康多運動,每日至少30分 維持多活動的生活型態,每日至少運動30分鐘。
<br><br> ...
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.81 分數 |
人體自癒的秘密 2018-01-14
一、人要健康, 只要血多 <br><br>
/每天)。 <br><br> ...
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
5 票
,1.84 分數 |
天氣變冷請注意 2018-01-13
早晨醒來 : <br><br>
1、勿急著起床 ,先坐1會兒. 2、可在床上用手掌搓揉雙眼. 3、雙手.腳適度伸展動作. 4、拉扯耳朵.待身體微熱. ...
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,1.73 分數 |
寒冷的冬天~朋友們記得要帶帽子囉~ 2018-01-13
*冬天 戴帽子好嗎?心臟內科專家說:*
(3)當氣溫低於攝氏4度時,人體3/4的熱量從頭部散髮出去。 ...
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,1.73 分數 |
無 2017-07-27
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
1 票
大小真的重要嗎?重要!但跟你想的不大一樣....... 2017-02-01
"如果有三十公分長的鳥嘴, 那麼森林裡必有30公分深的花朵"
他的意思很明白的說明, 重點不是大和粗就好, 而是契合
至少我量過我的不算長:14.5, 但算粗(沒量過)
結果會有女生在插入時喊痛 ...
0 評論, 12 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,4.02 分數 |
簡單的舒緩肩膀痠痛、腰痛,消除腿部疲勞 2017-01-31
我發現, 許多女士們都是有長期站立或是固定姿勢的工作
今天就來分享一個簡便的紓解方法, 每天坐能有效舒緩喔!
MOTION1 前彎伸展:充分伸展腰部與大腿後側
0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,2.94 分數 |
徵求喜愛跑步的夥伴 2016-10-05
0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.12 分數 |
音樂 2016-09-18
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
吃得健康 2016-08-30
第1招/早餐就是要慢條斯理地吃 許多人習慣在通勤的路上吃早餐或把早餐帶進辦公室,專家建議請盡可能地讓自己有充裕時間做下來享用早餐,「吃太快或是邊走邊吃讓你的胃沒辦法好好消化食物,一直到吃午餐前你可能都會感受到嚴重的脹氣和不適。」
第2招/早晨先喝杯水的意義 ...
1 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,3.92 分數 |
夏季悶熱,女性私密處容易因黴菌、細菌感染等而就醫 2016-07-26
醫師建議,從事戶外運動,應帶著乾淨衣服、流汗後立刻更換, ...
0 評論, 7 瀏覽次數,
5 票
,4.77 分數 |
天氣熱翻了~您知道中暑分「陰暑」和「陽暑」兩種~您中的是那一種呢?? 2016-07-02
在戶外感覺熱時,短時間進出冷氣房,冷熱交替頻繁,容易引起中暑。 ...
0 評論, 7 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,3.92 分數 |
男人甩掉性疲勞 可用4招小技巧 2016-06-22
古人雲:食色性也。性,是人類本能中最深刻、最強烈,因而也是最本質的活動之一.但是,事物總是千差萬別的,一方面,性生活是人類不可或缺的本能,另一方面,由於現代社會各方面巨大的心理壓力,使得相當一部分男女漸漸產生了“性疲勞”的現象。 ...
0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,2.45 分數 |
做愛後五大運動傷害 2016-06-22
做愛雖然是一件很愉快的事情,不過俗話說得好:「天有不測風雲 人有旦夕禍福」樂極生悲的案例還是時常發生,以下整理性愛五大運動傷害,讓大家在過年做愛潮中趨吉避凶。
一、相撞 ...
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
陰莖保養法 2016-02-16
食藥壯陽大全 ***早餐重要性:早餐不吃,晚餐的熱量上一定會增加,血液中所含的血糖在夜里自然較高,一旦血糖升高,就會減低性欲,勃起能力也會降低。 ...
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
固精祕功,讓你達到純陽的方法 2016-02-16
固精祕功 本功能壯腎補精、益氣健齒、對痔瘡及牙齒冷熱過敏、陽萎、早泄等疾患有立竿見影之效;還可防止練功過程中不利的“元精”走漏,對鞏固練功成果,加快練功步伐大有好處。已婚、未婚學員均可練習,每日練習至少1—2次,多多益善。姿勢不限,隨時隨地均可練習。
· 方法—: ...
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,1.10 分數 |
女人必須知道的性器官標准 2016-02-16
女人必須知道的性器官標準 一個女人由幼女長成成年婦女。她們的身心發生巨大變化。一個女人只有對自己的性心理、生理、生態以及性生活有更多知識性的了解。對男女的性生理有一個全面的了解,打破性的神秘感,用一種健康的心理,正確的態度對待性的騷動,從而提高自控能力。 ...
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,5.20 分數 |
修陰毛 2015-10-09
之前在某台灣&美國的部落格 看到關於修陰毛一事 前一陣子自己也試了一下 不過不敢全修光
陰毛修短了後. 不會被包皮夾到了!!
1 評論, 14 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,2.86 分數 |
正常的精液顏色-從精液看男人健康 2015-10-02
0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
哪些食物让男性精子虚弱 2015-09-24
奶茶 ...
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
0 票
不吃早餐当心糖尿病找上门 2015-09-24
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
0 票
一休減重心得分享--為什麼大家都說減肥不能吃澱粉 ,澱粉到底錯在那裡? 2015-09-24
似乎肥胖就跟澱粉劃上等號,澱粉到底錯在那裡,為什麼我們都會聽到減肥不能吃澱粉。 ...
0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數,
0 票
有人會每天 2015-07-16
如果妳去運動 是因為自己的健康 還是為了讓另一半有更好的享受呢
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
0 票
週而復始不就沒救了 2015-05-18
3 評論, 15 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.81 分數 |
男人一個月 打太多手槍會造成?! 2015-05-11
2 評論, 11 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,5.00 分數 |
健康飲食 2015-04-21
許多的維他命 (維生素) ...
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,5.20 分數 |
吃甚麼有助於長肌肉呢? 大家來分享吧 2015-01-17
我知道的有雞胸肉 ,其他就不清楚了
1 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
0 票
吃到飽 2014-12-16
去吃到飽餐廳, 除了吃平時不容易吃到的、高級一點的、實在不知道還有甚麼好吃的
0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數,
0 票
妳是哪種妹妹? 2014-12-07
0 評論, 6 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
發覺 2014-11-27
1 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,1.73 分數 |
怎樣才算有情趣的性愛 2014-11-15
0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數,
0 票
高梁酒與大麴酒 2014-11-12
1 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,3.70 分數 |
がん治療の根本を変える可能性 2014-11-03
(国立がん研究センター研究所長)。 ...
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
0 票
admin 2014-10-25
僅限原創內容 ─ 此雜志只提供會員原創內容寫作。任何剽竊的內容將會被本站移除。同時,請遵守
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0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
0 票
admin 2014-10-25
僅限原創內容 ─ 此雜志只提供會員原創內容寫作。任何剽竊的內容將會被本站移除。同時,請遵守
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0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數,
0 票
吃避孕藥就能內射免煩腦 2014-10-02
會虛胖... 她好後悔= =
1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.12 分數 |
有女生要出來做愛 2014-09-30
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
0 票
關於自我安慰(打手槍)的疑問 2014-09-27
由於小弟我太色了 有時候一個禮拜會打2~3次的手槍 我覺得經常打了話 好像會容易缺水份.身體容易累.想睡
4 評論, 16 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,5.00 分數 |
改善陰道鬆弛妙法,女性可以試試看 2014-08-29
臥式鍛煉:靠床沿仰臥,臀部放在床沿,雙腿挺直伸出懸空,不要著地。雙手 ...
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,5.00 分數 |
怪怪 2014-08-17
0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數,
0 票
不要抽太多菸 2014-08-12
流行病學調查提示,在小於40歲的青壯年中,男子吸煙者發生ED者比不吸 ...
1 評論, 6 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,3.70 分數 |
揭秘男女為什麼需要自慰 2014-08-12
0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
0 票
男生喜歡的 2014-07-16
0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
0 票
暑假到了,別窩在家 2014-06-24
上班的朋友也是! 空閒時間多多運動
對身體 也對精神好哦!
0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數,
0 票
如何因應宿便的問題 2014-06-22
3 評論, 11 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,4.90 分數 |
宿便的產生三大問題 2014-06-22
1. 宿便...會阻礙營養吸收,也壓迫小腸絨毛的活力及彈性。
2. 宿便...脹氣發酵後,毒素會經由血液致病。
2 評論, 6 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,3.43 分數 |
健康文章分享 2014-06-22
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
0 票
多運動 多健康喔 2014-06-16
找尋 喜愛運動 女性朋友 意願者 聊聊喔
0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
0 票
你們喜歡哪種運動呢 2014-04-21
我很喜歡球類的運動 籃球 桌球 排球等等的
這邊的朋友們 你們喜歡哪種運動呢?
極限 有氧 無氧
3 評論, 8 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,3.92 分數 |
運動 2014-04-02
大家不要都坐著 要起來動一動哦!
0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.12 分數 |
一天可以幾次??? 2014-03-15
2 評論, 15 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,5.00 分數 |
重要 2014-02-24
少打手槍 對身體不好唷
3 評論, 15 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.12 分數 |
沒事跑跑步 2014-02-19
0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
最重要的事 2014-02-11
健康往往是生命中最重要的基石, 但是我們爬得太高, 所以忘了.....................
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
0 票
天氣變化,注意保暖 2014-01-23
再次感謝,加油,勞力!!!wish you
all have a nice fuck, go go tiger!
1 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
0 票
學習做自己的推拿師 2013-12-21
如何祛解? 不妨從熟悉自己的穴位開始--
2 評論, 10 瀏覽次數,
5 票
,2.49 分數 |
大家飲食要注意 2013-12-10
身體好點, 體力也會好點
這樣對你的性伴/愛人 才是最負責任的
3 評論, 11 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,2.45 分數 |
常喝可可 延緩失智 2013-09-07
1 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,2.42 分數 |
健康是走出來的 2013-09-06
※※走路開啟六扇健康大門 ●1、心臟健康的大門 ...
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,2.47 分數 |
該要用的還是要用 2013-05-04
就是保險套囉~ 為了彼此的安全與衛生 請愛用保險套啊~
2 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,2.47 分數 |
終於 2013-03-28
終於在這約到人了 只不過是出去玩 玩什麼呢?
0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,2.42 分數 |
女生吃冰要挑時間 2013-03-01
常吃冰的女生, 很容易會有子宮肌瘤, 如何避免這個問題?女生MC期間的7天, MC來之前的7天和來之後的7天都別吃冰, 剩下的那7天可以稍微吃冰, 但是不可以吃太多, 不然還是有可能長子宮肌瘤喔, 給愛吃冰女性的建議
1 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
自慰太多會不會不健康呢? 2013-02-06
有人說會 有人說不會 誰比較準確呢o.0
1 評論, 8 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,2.42 分數 |
衛生 2013-02-04
0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.81 分數 |
健康的性愛~ 2012-10-28
在性愛中,顧名思義 就是要放進小弟弟 但小弟弟的衛生~ 就是要靠勤洗勤擦來保持乾淨 以免在過程中~使對方感染.....
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,2.42 分數 |
近視多因日曬少 無關K書K電腦 2012-05-05
醫學期刊「刺胳針」(Lancet )四日刊出研究報告指出,東亞大都市中學畢業生八到九成近視,比率冠於全球,主因是課業壓力大與太少從事戶外活動。
1 評論, 7 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,2.42 分數 |
人生 2012-04-26
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
0 票
如何提升持久度 2012-03-28
3 評論, 25 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,2.45 分數 |
天氣超好! 2012-03-05
今天整個就是大太陽 超想出去曬太陽的 不過........ 殘念........
1 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,2.42 分數 |
何謂夜生活? 2012-01-17
有人說做愛總是晚上好 月黑風高就是氣氛很好
但其實這真的是好事嗎? 要做愛就一定要晚上? 雖說很多人都會在酒吧泡到子後就上房
2 評論, 15 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,2.47 分數 |
性愛品質 2011-11-22
運動與充足的睡眠 有助於性愛品質
1 評論, 8 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,2.42 分數 |
燒壺開水 2011-09-04
1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,1.73 分數 |
normal life 2011-08-12
最近剛畢業 所有的生活都很規律 起床運個動 練習 Photoshop 尤於我肚子狀況不太好 所以晚上十點前就需要就寢 希望大家也能有個健康的身體呢!
2 評論, 10 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,2.42 分數 |
半夜&早上勃起 2011-08-05
前一段時間有女友, 都不會想要!平常都沒有性衝動...最近分手後, 每天半夜&早上都勃起到很撐很脹而醒來!!!...
2 評論, 59 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,2.08 分數 |
童話故事 和你想的不一樣 2011-07-29
一天,一個女裁縫坐在河邊縫衣裳,一不小心她的頂針掉進河裡, 她傷心得大哭起來。
1 評論, 17 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,5.00 分數 |
一切由身心開始 2011-04-18
所以請大家開心活下去,要認為自己健康,充滿活力 ...
1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,2.42 分數 |
健康 2011-04-02
2 評論, 10 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,2.45 分數 |
sex health 2011-03-23
i believe sex can health http://AdultFriendFinder.com http://AdultFriendFinder.com http://AdultFriendFinder.com http://AdultFriendFinder.com http://AdultFriendFinder.com http://AdultFriendFinder.com http://AdultFriendFinder.com
2 評論, 29 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
怎么才能健康 2011-03-19
2 評論, 24 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,2.45 分數 |
最近比较烦恼 2011-03-19
1 評論, 14 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
生病 2010-03-04
是 感冒了... 還是 壓力來了 沒"性"致了...
1 評論, 29 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,1.96 分數 |
陰莖勃起長度的計算公式-參考用 2010-03-02
3 評論, 102 瀏覽次數,
13 票
,2.64 分數 |
女性私處處理的五大誤區 2010-02-27
誤區一:清洗一定要用清洗液 ...
1 評論, 94 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,3.63 分數 |
性上癮!?!?!? 2010-02-25
我最近看了電視剛好講解到了性上癮症這種病 我感覺上我好像非常符合那些徵狀 想請教各位大大 這個病應該是怎麼樣才算得了這種病呢~?
3 評論, 99 瀏覽次數,
7 票
,2.53 分數 |
小黃瓜的好處與壞處 2009-07-04
小黃瓜的好處 1.不用看人臉色。 2.小黃瓜從來不問:“怎麼樣”、“表現還好吧”、“高潮了沒”……
3.你可以很容易地把小黃瓜藏在冰箱裏。 4.不管你年紀多大,你都可以找到新鮮的小黃瓜。 5.你可以從任何一端開始吃小黃瓜。 6.小黃瓜不會喜歡比較大小。 7.小黃瓜天生就有顆粒。 ...
0 評論, 56 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,2.45 分數 |
美容大王小筆記 2009-06-20
美容大王小筆記 俏臀與緊實大腿線條秘訣 俏臀秘訣1:做運動:站著的時候,腿打開與肩同寬,腳尖朝外開呈外八字,膝蓋一定要打直,然後用力往裡夾你的屁股。這樣子夾,次數能超過20次最好。
0 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
0 票
衛生棉條置體內一天半 酒店妹腹部陰道感染 2009-05-23
0 評論, 38 瀏覽次數,
0 票
『感情是一種寄託,也是另一種牽掛!』 2009-04-25
宗教與寵物卻可彌補不足之處! 【知識與情感】是人類兩大必修學分。 《施比受有福》保留質疑態度,因為給予並不等於得到。
0 評論, 16 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,3.70 分數 |
減重不用挨餓 吃對了就能瘦 2009-03-31
0 評論, 18 瀏覽次數,
0 票
[轉載] 女性應小心五種私處傷害 2009-03-17
[轉載] 女性應小心五種私處傷害 ...
0 評論, 49 瀏覽次數,
0 票
台大醫師踢爆 BB霜非保養品 擦太多猛冒痘 2009-03-17
自由時報 記者黃淑莉、王昶閔/綜合報導 台大雲林分院皮膚部主任邱品齊昨日踢爆,近來超夯標榜多用途的「BB霜」其實只是遮瑕霜,擦太多、太久不僅沒有保濕、美白效果,還可能換來滿臉痘痘,提醒愛美女性選購時要看清楚成分。
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
0 票
父親 獻給全天下為人父、為人子女的!!很感人喔!!真的想掉眼淚了!! 2008-12-08
〔你還不去睡,站在這裏做什麼,是不是看不起你老子,想要嘲笑我啊!〕 ...
0 評論, 17 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,5.57 分數 |
女性養生 真的不錯喲! 2008-12-08
你可能不知道的事 > > 1.乾性肌膚也要每天洗臉,否則很容易長斑。 > 因為每天正常代謝的老舊皮脂沒有洗掉,累積在臉上,很容易成為斑點。
> > 2.人臉上的皮脂是最好的保養品,只是洗臉過後
> 皮脂會被洗掉短時間來不及分泌, > ...
0 評論, 12 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,5.00 分數 |
慢跑~ 2008-11-08
0 評論, 22 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,1.73 分數 |
給女性朋友的秘密招數,性感小腰精 瘦腹10招 2008-10-27
1.顧著小腹別忘了背 推薦動作:趴在地上,兩手放在下巴下面(或者做俯臥撐的準備姿勢支撐起來更容易些,看個人需要),收縮下後背肌肉把上半身撐起離地30-35度角。靜止片刻,再放下來。此動作能很好地鍛煉腹部和背部肌肉,而且不會使後背拉傷或酸痛。
0 評論, 30 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,4.50 分數 |
May help 2021-02-14
Carrots, kale and spinach may help to prevent rectal cancer.
1 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
0 票
Health 2020-11-12
Always stay healthy
0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數,
0 票
Fasting 2020-08-09
does fasting to just 1 or 2 meals a help with libido?
1 評論, 18 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,3.92 分數 |
Lowered stamina 2020-06-12
Came back from a deployment several months ago and csnt
seem to regain my stamina. Cant last as long as i used to.
Any help?
0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
0 票
Testing 2020-06-05
How often do you get tested? I’m finding it hard to get
appointments at the moment. Normally try after every couple
of partners
3 評論, 47 瀏覽次數,
9 票
,4.71 分數 |
Crazy times.... 2020-04-28
Be safe, keep it wrapped and once things calm down then its
time to have fun.
0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
Sex and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2020-04-05
Sex and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) <br><br>
All New Yorkers should stay home and minimize contact with
others to reduce the spread of COVID-19. <br><br>
But can you have sex? Here are some tips for how to enjoy sex
and to avoid spreading COVID-19. <br><br>
1. Know how COVID-19 spreads. • You can get COVID-19 from
a person who has it. o The virus ...
0 評論, 14 瀏覽次數,
0 票
Massage Experiences 2020-03-08
Having had fantastic experiences with massages, I thought
will see what every one else thinks about massages. <br><br>
I am fan of all sorts of massages. Been a member of massage
exchange have had lots of fun with different types of people
and different styles of massages. Although I love all the different styles but my personal
favourite is 'Tantric massage'. ...
1 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,2.86 分數 |
Health and fitness 2020-02-08
Health and fitness is very important for sex and daily life
as well as If you down in your health then how can you do sex or enjoy
your life No girl and your partner also will not with you As with good health nothing b is there so start doing
exercises and relate it to your sex life and enjoy the things
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
1 票
Health and fitness 2020-02-08
Health and fitness is very important for sex and daily life
as well as If you down in your health then how can you do sex or enjoy
your life No girl and your partner also will not with you As with good health nothing b is there so start doing
exercises and relate it to your sex life and enjoy the things
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,0.34 分數 |
trollin for points 2020-02-02
thats all
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,1.10 分數 |
cleanse! 2020-01-31
Thanking lucky stars, I began to rotate thumb as I began
slowly thrusting cock in-and-out of her pussy. Still
waiting a complaint about thumb, all I got was another
moan. We sat there slowly in front of the mirrors
just a minute when she turned her head and looked back
out of the corner of her eye and said, "I know you want
ass. So just take it. We only have a few minutes so just ...
0 評論, 24 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,0.14 分數 |
cleanse! 2020-01-31
Thanking lucky stars, I began to rotate thumb as I began
slowly thrusting cock in-and-out of her pussy. Still
waiting a complaint about thumb, all I got was another
moan. We sat there slowly in front of the mirrors
just a minute when she turned her head and looked back
out of the corner of her eye and said, "I know you want
ass. So just take it. We only have a few minutes so just ...
1 評論, 30 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,2.86 分數 |
Masturbation 2020-01-29
I have read and seen in where it is medically backed
that masturbation on a regular basis for men promotes good
prostate Health. <br><br>
I was wondering if anyone has this, well mutual masturbation
as a form of safe ? kindof you give a helping hand and
I'll give you ... I have always found it exciting
and very educational watch a woman please herself as
she is watching . ...
1 評論, 6 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,4.41 分數 |
what about 2020-01-16
how healthy can one be
0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數,
7 票
,1.51 分數 |
Health Plans 2020-01-13
over the past few years the company I work for has setup medical
accounts, MRA, that they contibute to for you. if you do
different things they will put in so much through out the
year like every month or every quarter if you do this you
get this much put in. <br><br>
was just wondering if a lot of other company plans are going
to this or not. A lot of the things they want you to ...
0 評論, 14 瀏覽次數,
11 票
,2.98 分數 |
Staying fit 2020-01-07
Hey AdultFriendFinder community, just checking in say hello. What does
everyone do stay fit!
2 評論, 27 瀏覽次數,
16 票
,3.27 分數 |
Health is Wealth, Although its old but factual 2020-01-07
Healthy body refers overall well being that is physically,
mentally, emotionally and socially. Good health is the
key happiness. A healthy body is free from any disease
and is very positive in attitude. Only when a person is healthy
then he/ she can do things properly. Good health can be achieved
by doing exercises, eating healthy, having proper sleep,
and drinking lots of water, etc. ...
2 評論, 20 瀏覽次數,
13 票
,2.47 分數 |
Rodney Dangerfield 2020-01-03
Health is important.
1 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,5.00 分數 |
奶頭 2020-01-02
妳的顏色 <br><br>
1 評論, 22 瀏覽次數,
12 票
,2.62 分數 |
NEW YEAR 2019-12-28
Health is all about moderation with food balance and fitness.
Just enough to oil the human body and finally just as important
a mental positive attitude.
1 評論, 19 瀏覽次數,
16 票
,3.72 分數 |
Health? 2019-12-28
I wish I had a healthy of points
2 評論, 24 瀏覽次數,
18 票
,3.94 分數 |
Masturbation/Wet Dreams 2019-12-22
I was reading in a blog where it was asked how old you
were the first time you masturbated to orgasm. from looking
through most of the replyes were saying -.. maybe I'm
a late bloomer or something but hell I didn't have my
first wet dream till I was and then didn't masturbate
for the first time till I was 18 and in the military. <br><br>
I didn't masturbate much as ...
0 評論, 15 瀏覽次數,
12 票
,1.74 分數 |
Looking for a healthy 2019-12-20
of points
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
1 票
I need a healthy 2019-12-15
of points!
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
5 票
Be vulnerable! 2019-12-12
Okay, something I have to get off my chest as I find it affecting
a huge percentage of the general population. A lot of my
own inner-circle of friends have this toxic masculinity
about them. Most of them are proud of this notion. The aspect
of being the MAN, that only MEN rule, MEN form, MEN create,
etc. It's total horse-shit. The inhibition of emotion
is cancerous, so I've come to ...
3 評論, 67 瀏覽次數,
39 票
,2.99 分數 |
Torn meniscus 2019-12-12
Hey everyone. Has anyone gone through surgery for a torn
meniscus ? If so, what was your recovery and rehab like?
I’ve heard back up and running the next day to weeks of
rehab. Let me know. Thanks!
3 評論, 39 瀏覽次數,
25 票
,2.14 分數 |
exhaustion 2019-12-07
it's what you get obtaining points here
0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.12 分數 |
Diet pills 2019-11-29
What do you think about diet pills?
9 評論, 87 瀏覽次數,
59 票
,1.59 分數 |
Ejaculation Reduces Risk of Prostate Cancer 2019-11-26
I've read several interesting articles on this. <br><br>
4 評論, 55 瀏覽次數,
43 票
,4.44 分數 |
I need a healthy 2019-11-18
supply of points..
1 評論, 16 瀏覽次數,
10 票
,1.79 分數 |
points 2019-11-18
0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數,
0 票
Eating pussy 2019-11-14
The absolute best form of fire play
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
5 票
,2.49 分數 |
A healthy life 2019-11-14
depends on points
3 評論, 22 瀏覽次數,
14 票
,3.14 分數 |
clitoris 2019-11-10
First things first: the vast majority of women require
clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm, period. In fact,
a study of more than 1, 000 women in 20 revealed that
percent of ladies can orgasm through vaginal intercourse
alone. So when you're having sex, you want spend
as much time stimulating her clitoris as possible. <br><br>
Some sex positions make it easier to do this than ...
5 評論, 102 瀏覽次數,
56 票
,3.52 分數 |
this is funny 2019-11-10
Great Sex Tips for Men Talk about sex. As time passes in a relationship, it's
easy get into a rut and just go through the motions, rather
than express what you want (and need) in bed. ...
Eat healthy. ... Do your household chores. ... Exercise. ... But don't overdo it. ... In fact, work together. ... Abstain a bit. ... Plan for sex.
4 評論, 53 瀏覽次數,
35 票
,3.41 分數 |
beet Root 2019-11-10
anyone adding beet root powder to their diet for stronger
and bigger erections?
0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數,
5 票
,0.86 分數 |
How often 2019-11-09
How often do people go for a std check? One a month if your
are sexually actively ? If not sexually actively then only
when you have sex ?? How old where you the first time you went
be checked ??
1 評論, 44 瀏覽次數,
25 票
,3.35 分數 |
Clean hands! 2019-11-07
Welp! It’s that time of year again. The time of year where
germs and bacteria spread like wildfire. But it could all
be prevented with hand washing. The proper technique is
to vigorously rub your hands under warm water with soap
for 20 seconds. If done properly, this will eliminate germs
and bacteria that have shacked up on your hands. <br><br>
I get that this is a topic folks ...
5 評論, 56 瀏覽次數,
38 票
,3.90 分數 |
points 2019-11-07
2 評論, 25 瀏覽次數,
16 票
,1.07 分數 |
Benefits of physical activity 2019-11-05
Benefits of physical activity Benefits of physical activity include: <br><br>
strong bones, joints and muscles healthy heart and lungs improved coordination, strength, muscle control and
flexibility maintaining a healthy body weight less risk of disease later in life. Active children are also more likely to: <br><br>
have higher levels of confidence and belonging sleep ...
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,1.10 分數 |
thoughts 2019-11-05
What are some of the things that people use to make sure that
their health is in good standing? do you get checked regulalry,
stay protected, limit partners? All the things that seem
to be common sense or is there something that people tend
to do that maybe I have not read or heard of?
1 評論, 32 瀏覽次數,
26 票
,2.49 分數 |
Healthy health 2019-11-05
Its easy! Greens fruits low carbs high protein yuh!
1 評論, 20 瀏覽次數,
14 票
,1.54 分數 |
Do you masterbate ab hour or so before a date? 2019-11-01
Do you ever masterbate ab hour or so before a date? whether
to last longer, or help clear your mind.
1 評論, 20 瀏覽次數,
11 票
,2.79 分數 |
Vasectomy ---- not just a pretty name 2019-10-27
Not sure when you are ready have your vasectomy. I had
mine at 42... 22 years too late. I would say, if you're
and you don't want kids... just do it. Seriously.
Anyone thinks you will change your mind. Screw them.
You're an adult. <br><br>
And why is it cool rescue dogs but not adopt children.
If you do fall in love and your wife/girlfriend or whoever
wants make a ...
5 評論, 26 瀏覽次數,
19 票
,2.07 分數 |
What would be more Healthy 2019-10-27
would be to not require points to or only 1 point to
like the old days
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,0.34 分數 |
Health 2019-10-25
Be safe and be healthy
0 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
12 票
,0.86 分數 |
workout 2019-10-19
it is a workout to even get points here so can chat with people
2 評論, 6 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,4.41 分數 |
How do you stay in shape 2019-10-17
Whats your favorite form of exercice? How do you stay in
4 評論, 30 瀏覽次數,
16 票
,1.36 分數 |
I like to keep 2019-10-16
A healthy number of points on hand..
1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數,
9 票
,1.07 分數 |
Always remember 2019-10-15
To keep a healthy number of points banked.. They come in
0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.12 分數 |
me 2019-10-13
its always good maintain a healthy releansionship
0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數,
0 票
What are the best fruits that enhance sexual performance 2019-10-12
I have always read that blue berries, pomegranate, and
3 評論, 39 瀏覽次數,
19 票
,1.67 分數 |
Stamina 2019-10-11
Any good ways to build up your stamina, just working out
I assume?
1 評論, 18 瀏覽次數,
11 票
,0.92 分數 |
Allergic to latex?? Safe sex? 2019-10-10
Having trouble finding slternatives latex condoms.
Any advice?
1 評論, 16 瀏覽次數,
10 票
,1.59 分數 |
Points 2019-10-07
Sorry just posting for the points.. have a good one and good
1 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
9 票
,0.86 分數 |
I always feel healthier 2019-09-30
When I have a large of points I can use..
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,3.70 分數 |
Fun 2019-09-29
Everybody wants fun yet nobody wants fun it seems.if they
did we b in shape I guess
0 評論, 17 瀏覽次數,
14 票
,1.38 分數 |
There are Herpes Groups.. but dead ones 2019-09-29
I'm a member of several herpes groups. They are pretty
inactive. Are other groups just as inactive? Does the STI
community hide out here. I would think these groups would
be flourishing with participation. Not even close.
3 評論, 32 瀏覽次數,
14 票
,1.86 分數 |
Gold 2019-09-28
I love finding gold not paying for it
0 評論, 17 瀏覽次數,
12 票
,2.27 分數 |
pulled muscle 2019-09-27
Does anyone know how to help the lower back get loose? I pulled
my lower back and have tried heat and ice and stretching.
Any advice would be appreciated.
1 評論, 15 瀏覽次數,
12 票
,2.27 分數 |
stds 2019-09-26
People there are more cures for most stds now a days, but
that doesn't mean you can ditch the condoms.
0 評論, 12 瀏覽次數,
9 票
,3.00 分數 |
Having sound sleep improves your sex life 2019-09-24
Does having a sound sleep improve your sex life?
4 評論, 22 瀏覽次數,
14 票
,2.82 分數 |
Why there is basically no benefit to disclosure 2019-09-13
As an HIV positive bisexual that has enjoyed living
a "swinger" type lifestyle all my life, it certainly
has been devastating to have contracted the HIV virus and
have that part of my life suddenly snatched away. Especially
at a time when, due to medical advances there is no reason
that should be so. HIV is no longer the lethal pestilence
it once was. It is controlled by pills that ...
2 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,1.69 分數 |
Staying In Shape over 55 2019-09-05
Folks, I went to gym each day and hear many much younger claim
there all ways sore and weak. Having been in USMC over 12
years and retire from Law Enforcement in Dec 2018. I think
today Youth all ways find reasons to fail. I still hit Gym
6 Days A week one body part and ran 4 times a week. Just look
at any gym , your see over 90% texting , talking on Cell Vs
Work out . !!!!!!!!!!
0 評論, 28 瀏覽次數,
18 票
,0.81 分數 |
El modo correcto de usar el condón masculino 2019-09-04
B]Condón: qué hacer y qué no hacer <br><br>
USE condón siempre que tenga relaciones sexuales. COLÓQUESE el condón antes de tener relaciones sexuales.
LEA las instrucciones del paquete y compruebe la fecha
de vencimiento. CERCIÓRESE de que el condón no tenga defectos o roturas.
GUARDE los condones en un lugar fresco y seco. USE condones de látex o poliuretano. UTILICE ...
1 評論, 21 瀏覽次數,
18 票
,0.67 分數 |
points 2019-08-28
points points points points points points points
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,1.30 分數 |
am it the only one 2019-08-25
I tend to not sleep and i find myself on here a lot..anyone
else have the issue
1 評論, 24 瀏覽次數,
19 票
,2.99 分數 |
how to get fit 2019-08-21
eat lean protein and fats only. no carbs. jerk off 4 times
a day. lift heavy weights. repeat for 6 months.
0 評論, 29 瀏覽次數,
21 票
,2.75 分數 |
Better Sex as You Age 2019-08-06
Sex can be a powerful emotional experience and a great tool
for protecting or improving health, and it’s certainly
not for the young. The need for intimacy is ageless.
And studies now confirm that no matter what your gender,
you can enjoy sex for as long as you wish. Naturally, sex
at 70 or 80 may not be like it is at 20 or 30—but in some ways
it can be better. <br><br>
As an ...
2 評論, 49 瀏覽次數,
29 票
,1.84 分數 |
Exercise and libido 2019-07-30
It is commonly known that you can increase your sex drive
and overall satisfaction with your sex life through exercise;
no matter what your age. In addition reducing stress,
exercise releases endorphins, improves body image and
confidence. It can also positively impact your hormones.
Regular cardiovascular exercise is particularly good
for increasing the libido. It aids in ...
6 評論, 59 瀏覽次數,
38 票
,2.41 分數 |
The only way to good health is sex 2019-07-29
good health comes from having great sex what do you think
3 評論, 37 瀏覽次數,
28 票
,2.11 分數 |
Erectile dysfunction (ED) common sense 2019-07-25
We all have seen (too many) ads on TV and in magazines trumpeting
treatments for erectile dysfunction . But it’s important
to be aware that many men can ease, or even reverse ED by making
simple lifestyle changes; such as losing excess weight
and quitting smoking. By making these changes they are also likely to boost their
overall health and reduce their chances of developing
diabetes, ...
4 評論, 47 瀏覽次數,
27 票
,2.29 分數 |
Use condoms 2019-07-24
Latex, polyurethane, and polyisoprene condoms can help
prevent many STDs if they are used correctly. Condoms made
of lambskin do not work well to prevent STDs, including
HIV/AIDs. <br><br>
Condoms do not protect against infections spread from
sores on the skin not covered by a condom (such as the base
of the penis or scrotum). Couples having sex must always
use condoms to protect ...
0 評論, 30 瀏覽次數,
23 票
,3.01 分數 |
need more points 2019-07-18
points points points points points points points.
0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數,
0 票
Keep it clean. 2019-07-15
Body hygiene...shave hair for less smell...drink lots
of water day before...sweat will be fresh...and shower
after shaving and going
4 評論, 59 瀏覽次數,
40 票
,2.92 分數 |
Do you love to have fit women do things u didnt think possible 2019-07-14
I'd love to have a female whom works or is strong
do some new shit like a handstand or some fitness moves during
sex.... why not get a workout and an orgasim
2 評論, 40 瀏覽次數,
27 票
,2.61 分數 |
CADA VEZ MAS.... 2019-07-05
En la actualidad cada vez más personas se estan infectando
de VIH y de hepatisis "C", no me explico porque
les gana la calentura, tan fácil que es colocarse un condón
como parte del juego sexual, vieran lo divertido que es,
se hace el momento más prolongado, mientras te colocan
un condón puedes estar acariciando, dedeando, besando
donde alcances, en sí no es el momento de ...
0 評論, 23 瀏覽次數,
22 票
,1.44 分數 |
Health is great and all 2019-06-26
Points are just as great though.
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,2.47 分數 |
Being healthy 2019-06-21
With everything these days about what is good for you and
not. Reading about so many items make you think about what
to eat. For like to eat what I have been for years and have no problem
with that, being a picky eater I eat what I like and the bottom
line ...what may be healthy for one might not be for another,
choose what you like don't over eat and enjoy!!!
1 評論, 29 瀏覽次數,
26 票
,2.27 分數 |
sexualidad 2019-06-10
sexualidad es el conjunto de condiciones que caracterizan
el sexo de cada persona o animal. Desde el punto de vista
histórico cultural, es el conjunto de fenómenos emocionales,
de conducta y de prácticas asociadas a la búsqueda de
emoción sexual, que marcan de manera decisiva al ser humano
en todas y cada una de las fases determinantes de su desarrollo.
Durante siglos se consideró que la ...
0 評論, 26 瀏覽次數,
19 票
,2.33 分數 |
points 2019-06-09
need more points.
0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,2.47 分數 |
Apples 2019-06-01
Does an apple a day truly keep the doc away?
5 評論, 43 瀏覽次數,
34 票
,2.61 分數 |
Lambdskin 2019-05-31
What's the deal with some people suggesting the use
of Lambskin? Last time I checked they are permeable condoms,
with microscopic holes that can all the transmission of
disease and sperm.....latex only, sorry but not sorry.
0 評論, 15 瀏覽次數,
10 票
,2.19 分數 |
True Job 2019-05-28
This is for a long term caregiver Lexington 2 hours three times per week home care plus an eventual full
7 hour day on the 3rd (or 1st or 2nd etc if the 3rd lands on the
weekend) of chores and driving me to my errands, and as needed(on
call) starting in June. $500 per month. I'm having ...
1 評論, 32 瀏覽次數,
21 票
,2.38 分數 |
Stay healthy 2019-05-27
Drink milk
2 評論, 33 瀏覽次數,
24 票
,2.22 分數 |
For some reason 2019-05-05
I dont gain or lose weight unless i dont eat at all but i love
2 評論, 49 瀏覽次數,
36 票
,2.12 分數 |
What are some health tips you can recommend? 2019-04-28
I’m currently in the process of trying to shred some weight
off. I have a weight loss goal of 0lbs in total. Any good
sound serious advice is definitely appreciated.
1 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
10 票
,1.59 分數 |
points 2019-04-23
points points points
4 評論, 43 瀏覽次數,
33 票
,2.69 分數 |
She lived for 99 years with organs in all the wrong places and never knew it 2019-04-08
On an early spring day in 2018, the faint smell of formaldehyde
floating in the air, 26-year-old medical student Warren
Nielsen and four of his classmates prepped a cadaver in
the chilly dissection lab at Oregon Health and Science
University in Portland. <br><br> © Provided by Cable News Network, Inc. Similar groups
of five gathered around bodies on the other tables in the anatomy ...
0 評論, 6 瀏覽次數,
6 票
,2.23 分數 |
Aches and pains 2019-04-07
Joints ache, try fish oil it can be helpful if you use it long
0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,0.98 分數 |
Here's what a straight guy once told me ... 2019-04-06
The first time a straight man gets head from a male cocksucker
they thinks it's kinda weird. The second time they
still are apprehensive. The next 1000 times are pure pleasure
for them.
2 評論, 64 瀏覽次數,
36 票
,1.51 分數 |
dont masturbate too much 2019-03-27
i read the other day if we do it too much it will affect
our prostate. we all know how about can be for guys.
try to limit it to only a few times a week
0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.81 分數 |
El placer 2019-03-19
En una relación sexual un tabú muy cotidiano es si usa
condón no es lo mismo, pero hay que saber que no solo con
el pene se da placer por eso podemos ejercitar los dedos
=), hay que recordar que en esta comunidad somos muy activos
y si uno esta enfermo a muchos nos puede contagiar.
0 評論, 31 瀏覽次數,
28 票
,0.57 分數 |
Razor Burn help!! 2019-03-18
I'm certain i am not the only one who has been in this
situation... <br><br>
So you are getting yourself all ready to play.. and who doesn't
love nice shaved naughty bits?? So you jump in the shower
and lather up and break out your mach3 and do some manscaping..
done and done... <br><br>
You go out and do the deed and it's delightful.. <br><br>
Now ...
4 評論, 72 瀏覽次數,
46 票
,1.51 分數 |
really important 2019-03-17
healthy folks have better sex lives.. need to exercise
and sleep and eat well <br><br>
and have sex a lot
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,1.10 分數 |
Anyone tried Gainswave? 2019-03-15
Wondering if anyone has tried the new GainsWave .. or similar
'acoustic sound wave' therapy is meant to
help treat and 'cure' ED. <br><br>
It's not covered by insurance, is relatively costly.
trying to find out if there is anyone who has experiences
to share. thinking about trying it.
4 評論, 58 瀏覽次數,
32 票
,1.74 分數 |
whats up 2019-02-26
is it healthy to be single
6 評論, 45 瀏覽次數,
26 票
,0.65 分數 |
POINTS! 2019-02-17
Its just for the points! Free points!
7 評論, 40 瀏覽次數,
24 票
,1.99 分數 |
Your Sexual Health 2019-02-15
Sexual health. For some people any sex topic is off-limits.
But others, including the World Health Organization,
consider sexual health an essential dimension of human
health and well-being. From concern over how to have comfortable,
enjoyable sex to questions about testing for sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs) and their prevention, many
important topics come under the broad umbrella of ...
2 評論, 49 瀏覽次數,
23 票
,1.73 分數 |
Mental strength 2019-02-09
One day Fear came waking up the street looking for a home
to terrify. Fear saw a home that it thought would do just
fine. Fear walked up the walkway and rang the bell. From
inside, Faith went to the door, opened it, and no one was
0 評論, 31 瀏覽次數,
18 票
,1.21 分數 |
How to: Clean Anal sex 2019-02-02
Fellow anal obsessed pervs, kinksters , and deviants,
More than a few people have requested I re-post of the "How
to: Clean Anal Sex" blurb from Tumblr. I took some
time to edit and supplement it with additional information.
Here you are. You are welcome. <br><br>
Having enjoyable anal sex does not come naturally for everyone.
There are many human ...
3 評論, 73 瀏覽次數,
29 票
,2.14 分數 |
L-arginine 2019-01-30
Has anyone tried this amino acid supplement and noticed
results? I've only taken it occasionally but have
noticed a fuller penis when limp and hard.
3 評論, 42 瀏覽次數,
17 票
,1.99 分數 |
Healthy eating 2019-01-30
Does healthy eating better your sex life ??
2 評論, 26 瀏覽次數,
19 票
,2.73 分數 |
Cancer 2019-01-30
MEDICINE Cure All An Israeli pharmaceutical company is claiming it will
have a “complete cure for cancer” within the next year.
The company is Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies
(AEBi), and based on the claims of its board chairman Dan
Aridor, the treatment it’s working on sounds nothing
short of revolutionary. ...
2 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
8 票
,0.70 分數 |
Health 2019-01-22
1 評論, 19 瀏覽次數,
11 票
,0.92 分數 |
Shaving 2019-01-17
Do women prefer clean shaven or just trimmed ?
4 評論, 38 瀏覽次數,
15 票
,2.52 分數 |
friday! 2019-01-11
ok send us out on a good note, whose got a good one!!!
0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,3.70 分數 |
anyone into ass eating? 2018-12-30
"ass eating" or "booty eating"
or "rimming" is not normal even today i believe.
Anyone who tries it regularly and knows any health hazards
that have been faced? its tempting, forbidden. dirty and
feels like worth trying. but am still skeptic about it...
experiences please...
3 評論, 53 瀏覽次數,
26 票
,1.19 分數 |
What are some good eating habits you get into? 2018-12-14
I’d like to know that for future endeavors
0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,1.69 分數 |
Rock Hard Cock 2018-12-05
Does anyone know how to maintain a rock hard Cock ?
3 評論, 66 瀏覽次數,
29 票
,2.14 分數 |
Foods that May Help Boost Estrogen and Testosterone Levels 2018-12-02
For years, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
has reported that heart disease is the leading cause of
death among Americans; in fact, in 2015 heart disease accounted
for one in every four deaths. Although there are several
types of heart disease, the most common is coronary artery
disease (CAD), an accumulation of cholesterol and other
substances along arterial walls. This ...
2 評論, 52 瀏覽次數,
29 票
,4.95 分數 |
Which would YOU choose?! 2018-11-23
If you woke up tomorrow and were going to play with someone
you met for the first time, and you could either 1) take a
shower or 2) brush your teeth...but NOT both, which would
you choose???
8 評論, 58 瀏覽次數,
36 票
,3.07 分數 |
Health 2018-11-20
Working out, no unhealthy carbs or sugars, plenty of sleep
2 評論, 35 瀏覽次數,
29 票
,2.44 分數 |
Tips for better sleep 2018-11-19
1. Identify your sleep needs - to you better on 7 or 9 hours
sleep. Find out what works for you. 2. What you eat matters these things to close to bed time
can effect your sleep; 3.caffeine, heavy dinners, alcohol.
Know your sleep cycles - make sure your are getting your
REM sleep 4. Screen time like watching porn on our laptops, smartphones,
TV and tablets is culprit of poor sleep. 5. Take a nap ...
2 評論, 44 瀏覽次數,
30 票
,3.53 分數 |
Work out 2018-10-22
Any workout peeps around? Trying to improve my body! Would
like to be safe while trying to gain some mass.
0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,3.12 分數 |
STD 2018-10-21
just beware of STDs anytime you engage in sexual contact, there is the risk
of contracting an STD you might have a small scrape in ur mouth, a chipped tooth,
a skin abrasion and never assume that other people are clean, they might
be infected and now know it
1 評論, 50 瀏覽次數,
30 票
,3.14 分數 |
Hahaha 2018-10-12
One apple a day keeps the doctor away
4 評論, 54 瀏覽次數,
33 票
,3.79 分數 |
Doing it for the points 2018-10-10
Got to get me some more points
8 評論, 54 瀏覽次數,
33 票
,5.26 分數 |
LESS 2018-10-07
1 評論, 27 瀏覽次數,
19 票
,1.15 分數 |
LESS 2018-10-07
1 評論, 23 瀏覽次數,
14 票
,2.50 分數 |
LESS 2018-10-07
2 評論, 22 瀏覽次數,
12 票
,2.09 分數 |
points 2018-10-05
for points
3 評論, 33 瀏覽次數,
21 票
,3.74 分數 |
what do do when it reains 2018-09-26
tried the stationary bike but that was boring, need to know
what to do when inside.
0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,1.10 分數 |
Maintain a healthy weight 2018-08-22
Hard the older we get.. Metabolism slows gotta jump start
it with frequent cardio workouts.. More than just sex lol
7 評論, 53 瀏覽次數,
32 票
,3.43 分數 |
Clean all the way back there people 2018-08-07
If it is going to be quick sex and you are simply using a wash
cloth to rinse off. Go ALLLL the way back to your anus and
scrub that also. A sour booty smell does not encourage mouth
and tongue action. It only takes a couple of more seconds
to be known as a sweet and sweet smelling partner and not
a sour puss
1 評論, 45 瀏覽次數,
31 票
,3.62 分數 |
pineapple 2018-07-22
Does pineapple or diet in general signficnatly affect
the taste of cum? I haven't noticed any difference
489 評論, 1688 瀏覽次數,
490 票
,6.15 分數 |
Sex as medicine.. 2018-07-20
Tuesday morning, while meeting with a friend at Starbucks
on Westwood Blvd, my attempted good deed was thwarted by
an attack by a homeless guy. Okay, maybe he was not homeless.
Yet his backpack, small bag, older laptop chrome book styled
computer and nothing resembling a Starbucks purchase
on his table led me to believe that. <br><br>
Well other than getting my finger bit by this ...
4 評論, 83 瀏覽次數,
46 票
,3.59 分數 |
Sex is an important factor in your life 2018-07-12
Sex and sexuality are a part of life. Aside from reproduction,
sex can be about intimacy and pleasure. Sexual activity,
penile-vaginal intercourse (PV, or masturbation,
can offer many surprising benefits to all facets of your
life: physical intellectual emotional psychological social Sexual health is more than avoiding diseases and unplanned
pregnancies. It’s also about recognizing that sex ...
6 評論, 56 瀏覽次數,
28 票
,4.37 分數 |
Kúpele 2018-07-09
... \ 8Chodil som často do kúpeľov, tam si radi ženy
zašukajú, skúsia oko chutí inný penis. Turčianské
Teplice, tretí deň po nástupe , večer hudba zábava
tanec trocha vinka, sedela oproti mne o stôl ďalej,
pekná mladá , menšie poprsie max.2č. Požiadal som
ju o tenec (som parketový lev vo Vyškove som tancoval
polo profesionalne za , nem. klub"vznášala sa
eko pierko ...
1 評論, 25 瀏覽次數,
8 票
,1.39 分數 |
foods that provide health benefits. 2018-06-01
Foods high in antioxidants such as blueberries, carrots
and leafy dark green vegetables are brain nutrient powerhouses.
Seeds and nuts like ground flaxseeds, walnuts and almonds
are additional foods that provide health benefits.
3 評論, 41 瀏覽次數,
23 票
,2.78 分數 |
improve blood circulation 2018-06-01
Cold water causes your blood to rush towards your organs,
hot water causes it to move to the skin. Thus, switching
between hot and cold water can improve blood circulation
throughout the body.
4 評論, 31 瀏覽次數,
16 票
,2.83 分數 |
Green tea can even help with weight loss 2018-06-01
Green tea does contain small amount of caffeine, but nowhere
near as much as coffee.
4 評論, 24 瀏覽次數,
12 票
,1.92 分數 |
green tea slows down the growth of cancer cells. 2018-06-01
green tea can reduce cholesterol levels, thus lowering
the risk of heart disease...is also believed to slow down
the growth of cancer cells.
1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數,
7 票
,1.77 分數 |
green tea can prevent food poisoning 2018-06-01
The anti-oxidant properties can also kill bacteria, which
means that green tea can prevent food poisoning and even
fights tooth decay.
2 評論, 17 瀏覽次數,
11 票
,1.48 分數 |
Brown rice 2018-06-01
Brown rice contains essential minerals and B-vitamins
needed to balance your mood. It also provides slow-release
energy to balance your blood sugar levels, which helps
to prevent mood swings and dips in energy levels.
2 評論, 12 瀏覽次數,
9 票
,2.14 分數 |
Oats 2018-06-01
Oats contain high amounts of important B-vitamins to help
stabilize your mood. Nutrients and slow-release energy
provided by oats help to prevent the mood swings and irritability
often associated with depression.
1 評論, 6 瀏覽次數,
3 票
,3.43 分數 |
sexercise 2018-05-29
whats your best position for getting sexcercise.
6 評論, 43 瀏覽次數,
25 票
,2.25 分數 |
Pelvic Floor Tension 2018-05-16
I’m wondering how prevalent this is to all AdultFriendFinder folks....
I sometimes have a very tight and tense pelvic floor, around
the base of the penis and taint area. It can be uncomfortable
at times, aggravated by sitting too long. Stretching seems
to be the only way to treat it, but looking for your experience
and success. From what I’ve read on the internet, this
is a m/f ...
0 評論, 36 瀏覽次數,
23 票
,2.89 分數 |
swimming 2018-05-15
how many people use swimming for weight loss vs other types
of excersize
6 評論, 56 瀏覽次數,
33 票
,2.50 分數 |
How many times??? ( 2018-05-11
At what point, is to much sex unhealthy? Is that even.possible?
3 評論, 33 瀏覽次數,
22 票
,2.53 分數 |
Health opinion 2018-05-02
I think Health is one of the most important things people
forget on a site like this. All i can say and advise is wear
condoms, protect yourself or get a statement that the other
person is clean and has no disease. One fuck is not worth
the problems you can get!
2 評論, 34 瀏覽次數,
21 票
,3.00 分數 |
oral not told health hazzards 2018-04-26
oral sex hazards head and neck cancer caused by papillomavirus
oh one more herpes called herpes of the throat . far as I know
no known cure for both of them.
0 評論, 15 瀏覽次數,
11 票
,2.05 分數 |
hot hot hot 2018-04-18
who has a fetish for hot bodies, workouts, and yummy sex?
2 評論, 12 瀏覽次數,
6 票
,2.23 分數 |
Im trying to get big 2018-04-15
I'm trying to put about 20 pounds of muscle on ...does
anyone have any tips or guidelines for me?
7 評論, 43 瀏覽次數,
19 票
,3.92 分數 |
Mental Health 2018-04-05
Has anyone had any experience with Mindfulness or meditation?
Any practices that you would recommend that help to make
you present in the moment or relieve stress? <br><br>
There are so many great people out that practising and preaching
this. Can you recommend any books, websites etc as a resource?
2 評論, 20 瀏覽次數,
11 票
,2.23 分數 |
Does kissing may pass virus? 2018-04-01
Does kissing may pass virus?
9 評論, 60 瀏覽次數,
27 票
,2.50 分數 |
cialis 2018-03-13
when will there be a generic cialis
3 評論, 45 瀏覽次數,
20 票
,2.49 分數 |
Don't get near... 2018-03-05
The ceiling fan while you're playing with it, you'll
tear your dick off...
2 評論, 20 瀏覽次數,
12 票
,2.98 分數 |
workout partner 2018-02-26
Does anyone know where to meet like a workout partner of
the opposite sex?
2 評論, 24 瀏覽次數,
20 票
,1.98 分數 |
workout partner 2018-02-26
Does anyone know where to meet like a workout partner of
the opposite sex?
1 評論, 37 瀏覽次數,
30 票
,3.14 分數 |
Open relationships 2018-02-08
How would you or did you approach the subject with your partner?
7 評論, 60 瀏覽次數,
31 票
,3.14 分數 |
If you're sick with a cold, you should... 2018-01-29
If you're sick, you should do the following: <br><br>
• Stay home • drink lots of fluids • Make sure you get your vitamins • avoid dairy • have lots of tissues • Take medicine • etc.
6 評論, 68 瀏覽次數,
43 票
,4.22 分數 |
Keto/Caveman diet 2018-01-06
I have been on this diet for about 2 years doing a mix of the
keto and the caveman diets. This has led to a huge increase
in sex drive and impressive results with my body. I highly
recommend it to anyone!
2 評論, 46 瀏覽次數,
28 票
,3.55 分數 |
How healthy are you 2017-12-04
3 years ago I thought that I was unbreakable...I was wrong
I started having heart issues out of nowhere just make sure
you go to the doctor's dont take life for granted you
never know how long you have.
4 評論, 48 瀏覽次數,
31 票
,4.58 分數 |
Excerise 2017-12-03
Brings about stamina and mental stiumlation
6 評論, 46 瀏覽次數,
28 票
,3.34 分數 |
exercise 2017-11-29
do exercise every day avoid unanted things that effects
body health
1 評論, 20 瀏覽次數,
16 票
,2.69 分數 |
Biking 2017-11-23
Biking is of the best activities for health it is easy
on the joints and who doesnt like to wear spandex?
4 評論, 38 瀏覽次數,
23 票
,2.78 分數 |
Tantric 2017-11-22
I have read on it and now the concept but seems like a difficult
subject to really understand or explore unless have a 1-1
teacher. Anyone experienced in this or explored it? Concept
sounds great!
4 評論, 25 瀏覽次數,
12 票
,2.45 分數 |
Winter Food 2017-10-23
Crock pots....Anyone else use them? Trying to find some
easy recipes for the winter.
6 評論, 33 瀏覽次數,
12 票
,5.27 分數 |
Men Can Enjoy Multiple Orgasms Too! 2017-10-13
I have faced so many questions about being able to orgasm
multiple times, I thought I would share a few thoughts for
men. <br><br>
Granted, we guys don't get to talk much like the girls
do, but if we could and did...seriously, without ego and
male bravado, we might be able to learn so much! <br><br>
The type of orgasms I am talking about are not NEMO, where
men can ...
5 評論, 53 瀏覽次數,
22 票
,4.21 分數 |
it pays 2017-09-28
well me being a ordinary type fellow probably am not the
most healthiest but i do try i think the high blood pressure
runs in my family lol
2 評論, 35 瀏覽次數,
17 票
,2.56 分數 |
The night before 2017-09-23
Answer where I have been never comes easy until coffee awakes
the sleep. The day begins as work keeping the money at a balance.But
who I've talked to is hard to meet.
1 評論, 22 瀏覽次數,
14 票
,1.86 分數 |
SPA F.B.M 2017-09-23
Full Body Massage 2hrs For a grate price... Im a male 33 , 5'7 blue eyes and i only do older lady's, single and alone and very Beautiful Phat thick ladys...... i come to you or we could meet half way.I just have 3 very small rules 1= The area where the massage is given MUST be clean or ok !!! 2= You must wear at all times a Thong or a g-string cant be ...
2 評論, 21 瀏覽次數,
14 票
,2.50 分數 |
are we? 2017-09-19
even though we try to do and eat the right things i assuming
that at least fifty percent of us arent as healthy as we think
0 評論, 6 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,0.92 分數 |
cum 2017-08-23
is masturbating healthy ??
5 評論, 33 瀏覽次數,
15 票
,4.97 分數 |
food 2017-08-23
spicy food
1 評論, 12 瀏覽次數,
11 票
,5.97 分數 |
Penis pumping 2017-08-20
I have been pumping my penis for a long time.It is an enjoyable.
2 評論, 51 瀏覽次數,
10 票
,0.80 分數 |
Fun times in the sun 2017-08-03
Does anyone ever wonder why we enjoy sex in the sun so much?
Is there ever a time when the sun doesn't just enhance
the enjoyment of the orgasm and increase the health benefits
of the love making process?
1 評論, 6 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,4.02 分數 |
Go get ya junk checked 2017-07-20
You want to find clean junk ? Prove yours is clean too!!!! You got extra junk? Find someone with extra junk too.
4 評論, 55 瀏覽次數,
20 票
,2.87 分數 |
Stay safe out there 2017-07-08
Those of you that are going to meet others and have a naughty
time. Plz use a condom and if your not plz check yourself
and your playmate before having sex without a condom at
the doctors office or what not. The last thing you want is
to contract something which will make the last of your fund
days. Be Safe and naughty .
0 評論, 16 瀏覽次數,
11 票
,3.92 分數 |
Foods to increase sex power- a natural way to satisfaction 2017-07-06
According to many scientific research intaking the following
natural ingredients may increase ur sex power- 1. Olives Everyone loves olives. We love them in our salads and in
our Subways; heartily garnished on our pizzas and the likes.
And we're sure you'll love them even more when
you realize that they give your sex drive a much needed nudge.
Specifically, green olives are reputed to make men ...
2 評論, 31 瀏覽次數,
9 票
,3.64 分數 |
carbs 2017-06-20
dont drink to much pop!
1 評論, 15 瀏覽次數,
9 票
,2.78 分數 |
Online mutual masturbatoin 2017-06-05
Who wants to do some?
0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,1.10 分數 |
warm up 2017-06-01
sex is the best exercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,3.25 分數 |
Play safe 2017-05-23
Meeting and meets is fine but please if it goes any further
always be safe , use a condom
3 評論, 18 瀏覽次數,
7 票
,3.80 分數 |
Hey 2017-05-17
My semen is yellow. Is it normal?
1 評論, 20 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,1.10 分數 |
play 2017-05-15
always play safe
2 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
7 票
,5.08 分數 |
fat girl wants feeding 2017-05-01
how fat to let her take it?
0 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,2.86 分數 |
Condom Broke during sex 2017-04-30
WIll i get STD if the Condom teared during sex, i believe
i pulled out very soon after the condom broke.
8 評論, 42 瀏覽次數,
7 票
,3.04 分數 |
im constantly hard it seems pussy pusssy pusssy all, its on my mind normal i ask 2017-04-09
stillll have a hard on from helll it feels great but yeah
i can cum and cum and cummm goes limp at times but i m waiting
for the next long lasting fuck time
2 評論, 13 瀏覽次數,
5 票
,2.82 分數 |
im constantly hard it seems pussy pusssy pusssy all, its on my mind normal i ask 2017-04-09
stillll have a hard on from helll it feels great but yeah
i can cum and cum and cummm goes limp at times but i m waiting
for the next long lasting fuck time
0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,2.40 分數 |
Chronic Backache 2017-04-07
1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數,
1 票
,3.70 分數 |
Masturbation 2017-03-15
I am jerking off 12 times a day is this healthy
4 評論, 36 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,4.02 分數 |
Hood Piercing 2017-03-05
My wife had a vertical hood piercing today by a professional
piercing establishment. We are hoping for a sustantial enhancement in stimulation
. Has anyone gotten a piercing and had good results .
1 評論, 39 瀏覽次數,
9 票
,3.43 分數 |
It's a couple months into the new year! 2017-02-26
So it's time once again to stick to our resolutions.
We all need to stay right with our goals and mine includes
being consistent with going to the gym Hope all of you
can stick to yours!
0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數,
2 票
,2.42 分數 |
DRUG^S AND SEX 2016-12-09
I am wondering or narcotics give better sex partner
7 評論, 1188 瀏覽次數,
150 票
,3.02 分數 |
Body Massage for Female at home service 2016-12-07
My self Marshal Kumar. 30 year old boy from Surat and I am
working in well known Salon.
Are you interested for Body Massage? Don’t worry it’s
strictly professionally and very very safe.
Massaging your skin weekly once with olive oil is an excellent
way to combat dry or flaky skin caused by harsh weather.
It helps to repair skin damaged from overexposure to the
sun. It’s ...
2 評論, 21 瀏覽次數,
8 票
,2.78 分數 |
Anal 2016-12-05
Why pressure a woman to do anal?
Put a cucumber up your arse- see if u like it.
Respect women !
0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數,
5 票
,2.16 分數 |
Health Benefits of a Massage; A man's perspective. 2016-11-28
Are massages really beneficial to your health? I have read
several articles listing the benefits including releasing
stress or strained muscles, and working out the kinks in
your spine. Though I have found benefit by getting a massage,
I do find I end up with awkward situations under the towel
wrap; the center pole erects the white canvas tent. Often
the giver is understanding of the event, ...
0 評論, 34 瀏覽次數,
4 票
,4.02 分數 |
if your sick 2016-11-22
I believe in health organic food types you should always have Green Zone / dry granulated food
you mix with water or juices It helps build a healthy body and stabilize it
Oxygen / drops this type of product it replenishes the red
corpuscles in turn keeps your white one plentyful
4 評論, 24 瀏覽次數,
13 票
,3.81 分數 |
Pills pills pills 2016-11-19
Are drugs becoming the bane of our existence? This statement
doesn't include the usual necessities, antibiotic,
allergy, and other life saving drugs. Basically I've
observed that almost anything advertised on prime time
TV is optional. And expensive. Take viagra, vitamin V. Many men due to accidents, genes,
psychology need them. But a lot don't. Recently speaking with a healthy 40
yr old, he told ...
1 評論, 30 瀏覽次數,
5 票
,3.80 分數 |
Sex Benefits of Spinach 2016-11-15
If you live to have sex everyday, you should include this
green veggie into your food. So here is how spinach will
help in your Sexual life. Men always give due importance
to their sex power.
Apart from this, they need to perform various task and duties
as in most countries; they have to fulfill the income need
of the whole family such as in Asian countries. Too much
stress, depression, ...
1 評論, 40 瀏覽次數,
7 票
,2.53 分數 |
Fucking over 50 ... and closer to 60! 2016-10-25
There’s a popular perception that older people
lose interest in sex over time. At least for me, it is not
true. Several studies have been taken, yet who cares what
a study says, many people maintain active sex lives well
into their later years.t At least with my friends, who have
told me, they were still sexually active. Yes while women
go through their change and men usually lose ...
5 評論, 145 瀏覽次數,
10 票
,5.18 分數 |
Vegans 2016-10-08
So i was curious if vegetarians or vegans taste any different?
Seems that what you put in your body would make body juices
taste different. It's hard to find women that are either, around here.
0 評論, 14 瀏覽次數,
6 票
,5.07 分數 |
caminar de puntas fortalece el pene 2016-09-20
al realizar por lo meno 10 minutos de este facil y practico
ejercicio mejor satisfactoriamente el desemepeño en
la ereccion del pene , por lo cual es recomendable practicarlo
1 評論, 12 瀏覽次數,
8 票
,0.93 分數 |
Detergent 2016-08-28
Can anyone give advice on the best Detergent to remove old
sperm stairs?
3 評論, 28 瀏覽次數,
10 票
,2.59 分數 |